For Podcasters: Do You Have ‘IT’?
Of every piece of chicken sold across the world, one has a brand. With its 11 secret herbs and spices, KFC has brand power. Did somebody say KFC?
Podcasters, there’s good news and some bad news. Podcasts are like startups. This is not the good news. It's just a fact. The very reason a Startup succeeds or is scrapped is the same winning ingredient for Startups too.
If you are a current or will be a future podcast Star there is one vital ingredient.
Hint: It’s not
- Your equipment
- Your channel(s)
- Your topics
- Your time available or
- Your guests
If you are going to make it to the top of any leaderboard, mountain or build a monopoly in any industry it all starts with validating one thing.
For the last three months, I’ve researched what it takes to build a good podcast. Though my heart wasn’t in doing this research. You know when you watch and just love love love a movie, but you don’t really want to watch it again? You already know what the main characters will discover about themselves, how they will transform and the sheer anguish they felt in the process. It was the same here for me in doing this research.
The One Secret is… YOU.
In case you’re wondering what you and KFC have in common, it is your uniqueness — your brand.
The good news:
YOU are completely unique. No doubt you have read self help books, listened to gurus and social media stars telling you that you NEED a podcast and a blog, a landing page and even a book. THIS will build your presence and help you — they are not wrong, but they are also not assessing YOUR unique chances of succeeding in this process. Warning: Success should be your definition of success, not anyone else’s.
Sounds good so far? But how are you defining success? If you want to be in the top 10 or even 100 podcasts (if that’s your goal) calculate your chance standing out among the 850,000 podcasts with a collective 18 million episodes (and counting).
It’s not a question of catching up. That’s the easy part.
So, Podcasters, how do you decide if you are a future star or one of those all the gear, no idea folk?
Of course you want to stand out. But the number one reason why people become the number one Podcaster is predetermined before a digital sound is transmitted.
I am obsessed with people in so far as I love to help them develop their skills especially in the context of building world class businesses. A part of my passion for developing people involves helping them to be able to make better decisions.
The Bad News:
Unlike a startup, if you can think brilliantly, or manage to surround yourself with smarter/better people than yourself this is not enough.
This won’t cut it for Podcast Profit.
Rather than summarise my research (#boring) I want to share my QUIZ with you. My conviction in this quiz only solidified after watching dozens of YouTube presenters on Football. I love Football and was aching for the presenter to captivate me. World class Coaches cannot all be Podcasters, even if they want to talk Football.
Most of these episodes had hundreds of thousands of views. Every episode convinced me that expertise does not make a good podcaster, alone. Not at least if you aspire to Podcast Profit.
DK’s Podcast Quiz: For Profitable Podcasting
- Are YOU Interesting or Boring?
- Do YOU exude energy?
- Do people describe YOU as a real ‘character’ or a big ‘personality’?
- Do YOU listen intently?
- Is YOUR mode to make people feel good about themselves?
- Is the tone of YOUR voice rich, intriguing or a little grinding?
- Do YOU possess a sharp wit?
- Are YOU emotive?
- How strong is YOUR intellect?
- Do YOU love to be challenged, by guests, yourself, your co-host and in life?
Don’t ask your Mum, your dog and your partner these questions. Remember to resist the urge to fight the personal defence mechanism Jack Nicholson screamed to make sure his point wasn’t missed… in A Few Good Men. ‘You can’t handle the TRUTH”.
My advice: Discover your truth using DK’s Podcast Quiz. Start a podcast if you did well in the quiz.
As for Podcast Profit, read almost any of my other blogs on Medium for clues.
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