Storytelling: Connect beyond the click and find your clique

David Kenney
3 min readSep 14, 2019


Storytelling has always been a skill. Today, it is your ticket to whatever you want to achieve.

Sitting around the campfire reflecting on victories, purpose or hunger galvanised a tribe.

In 2019, the impact of storytelling is much the same, but the scale of the tribe is exponential. Make no mistake, the best communicators, public speakers or business coaches spend considerable time in crafting the delivery of their message. Globally famous speakers and business coaches aren’t necessarily smarter, more useful or better than anyone else. It is not their business acumen alone that makes them stand out. Inevitably, they are master storytellers. They understand and apply psychology. In my view, the best of the best in this genre is Tony Robbins. Tony has great content and delivery.

Understanding the human condition is a lethal weapon for a communicator. Great communicators possess and develop their repertoire (body language, pace, the intonation of their speech and for dramatic effect apply well-interspersed silence). Done well it is awe-inspiring. See human condition in Tony’s words:

If you are embarking on podcasts or a webinar, fine-tune your storytelling process. It’s never what we say, but how we make a person feel that determines the bounty. A story should become your mode of delivery. If you can make people laugh, cry or reflect (and learn) or simply connect, your impact will be that of a master. You don’t need to be a comedian. Be vulnerable, authentic and signpost the challenges ahead. The risk of failure can build tension in a story. TLDR: Follow a narrative arc which exhibits your progress. Narrative arc explained;

Massive Inspiration only comes from the truth. Facts do not have to be boring.

We are all individuals. What works for one person, may not for another who might be coming from a very different position. Contemplate and refine your delivery. Think about how someone else will interpret and receive your points. Do not be indulgent in your thirst to share facts. Remember the masters are always working on their delivery. You cannot ignore the delivery and just focus on the technical stuff? Epic fail.

The content of how to solve a problem in any industry may be black and white, but a story gives it a vibrant colour. We are fascinated by stories. They give us purpose, centre us and shape us.

We crave the truth, to be entertained, progress and above all to connect or be heard.

I will leave you with two questions: -

1. Who is your audience? New friends, customers, readers or followers?

2. What’s your story and how will you shape it towards your business, life and own growth?

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